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| 13:00
| 13:00
| 203 Tower building
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/e/ef/SemPoster_2018-05-03_VVSaiRaghavendra.pdf Guest talk]
| [https://apm.iitm.ac.in/biomedical/sai/ V. V. Raghavendra Sai]
| [https://apm.iitm.ac.in/biomedical/sai/ V. V. Raghavendra Sai]
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/e/ef/SemPoster_2018-05-03_VVSaiRaghavendra.pdf Guest talk]
| Fiber optic chemical and biosensors: sensor design and device development
| Fiber optic chemical and biosensors: sensor design and device development
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| 12:00
| 12:00
| 203 Tower building
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/a/ad/SemPoster_2018-05-16_QiangWu.pdf Guest talk]
| [https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/our-staff/w/qiang-wu/ Qiang Wu]
| [https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/about-us/our-staff/w/qiang-wu/ Qiang Wu]
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/a/ad/SemPoster_2018-05-16_QiangWu.pdf Guest talk]
| Optical fibre interferometers and its sensing applications - from macro to micro world sensing
| Optical fibre interferometers and its sensing applications - from macro to micro world sensing
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| 12:00
| 12:00
| 203 Tower building
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/0/03/SemPoster_2018-06-14_PieterSmid.pdf Talk]
| [[Pieter Smid]]
| [[Pieter Smid]]
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/0/03/SemPoster_2018-06-14_PieterSmid.pdf Talk]
| Aberration retrieval and correction in confocal microscopy
| Aberration retrieval and correction in confocal microscopy
|- <!-- style="background-color: #f6f3e0;" -->
|- style="background-color: #f6f3e0;"
| Tues 3 July 2018
| Tues 3 July 2018
| 12:00
| 12:00
| 203 Tower building
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/9/99/SemPoster_2018-07-03_RafaelFuentes.pdf Talk]
| [[Rafael Fuentes]]
| [[Rafael Fuentes]]
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/9/99/SemPoster_2018-07-03_RafaelFuentes.pdf Talk]
| Super-resolution imaging using nanobells
| Super-resolution imaging using nanobells
{|width="100%" class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
!colspan="6"|3rd Term
|style="width: 13%;"|'''Date'''
|style="width: 5%;"|'''Time'''
|style="width: 10%;"|'''Location'''
|style="width: 12%;"|'''Seminar'''
|style="width: 20%;"|'''Presenter'''
|style="width: 40%;"|'''Title'''
|- style="background-color: #f9dbc9"
| Mon-Fri 9-13 July 2018
| 09:00-17:00
| ESLC building
| [http://lu2018.iopconfs.org/home Official website]
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/c/c5/Lu2018_flyer1.pdf Conference call]
| The 6th International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics (LU2018)
{|width="100%" class="wikitable" style="text-align: center"
!colspan="6"|4th Term
|style="width: 13%;"|'''Date'''
|style="width: 5%;"|'''Time'''
|style="width: 10%;"|'''Location'''
|style="width: 12%;"|'''Seminar'''
|style="width: 20%;"|'''Presenter'''
|style="width: 40%;"|'''Title'''
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 10 Oct 2018
| 14:00
| C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus
| [https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/advanced-manufacturing-technology-research-group/research-teams/manufacturing-metrology-team/newsandeventsdetail/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-1.aspx ZYGO-MMT Seminar]
| [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_De_Groot2 Peter de Groot]
| Quiet, please! The meaning and measure of noise in 3D topography data [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-oct-nov-2018-registration-49175805157 Register]
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 17 Oct 2018
| 13:00
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/7/70/SemPoster_2018-10-17_ShakilaNaznin.pdf Talk]
| [[Shakila Naznin]]
| Gold nanorod opto-acoustic transducers
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 24 Oct 2018
| 14:00
| C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus
| [https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/advanced-manufacturing-technology-research-group/research-teams/manufacturing-metrology-team/newsandeventsdetail/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-2.aspx ZYGO-MMT Seminar]
| [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_De_Groot2 Peter de Groot]
| Holography: Just a fancy name for interferometry? [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-oct-nov-2018-registration-49175805157 Register]
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Fri 26 Oct 2018
| 13:00
| C17 Pope building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/e/e9/SemPoster_2018-10-26_CeliaMillon.pdf Guest talk]
| [http://fr.viadeo.com/fr/profile/celia.millon Celia Millon]
| Laser ultrasonic generated Rayleigh waves for controlling AM porous samples
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 7 Nov 2018
| 14:00
| C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus
| [https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/advanced-manufacturing-technology-research-group/research-teams/manufacturing-metrology-team/newsandeventsdetail/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-3.aspx ZYGO-MMT Seminar]
| [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_De_Groot2 Peter de Groot]
| Where’s my part? Interferometric methods for measuring position, displacement and angle [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-oct-nov-2018-registration-49175805157 Register]
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 14 Nov 2018
| 13:00
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/c/cd/SemPoster_2018-11-14_AlistairSpeidel.pdf Guest talk]
| [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alistair_Speidel Alistair Speidel]
| Electrochemical jet processing for materials characterisation
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 21 Nov 2018
| 14:00
| C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus
| [https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/advanced-manufacturing-technology-research-group/research-teams/manufacturing-metrology-team/newsandeventsdetail/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-4.aspx ZYGO-MMT Seminar]
| [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_De_Groot2  Peter de Groot]
| Does interferometry work? A critical look at the foundations of interferometric surface topography measurement [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/zygo-mmt-seminar-series-oct-nov-2018-registration-49175805157 Register]
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 28 Nov 2018
| 13:00
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/f/f4/SemPoster_2018-11-28_FernandoPerezCota.pdf Talk]
| [[Fernando Perez Cota]]
| Gigahertz acoustics for biology: cell imaging and sensing
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 05 Dec 2018
| 13:00
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/1/1c/SemPoster_2018-12-05_SidahmedAbayzeed.pdf Talk]
| [[Sidahmed Abayzeed]]
| Voltage plasmonics: new tools for microscopic imaging of electricity
|- style="background-color: #d6f1ff"
| Wed 12 Dec 2018
| 13:00
| 203 Tower building
| [http://optics.eee.nottingham.ac.uk/w/images/d/df/SemPoster_2018-12-12_MikeSomekh.pdf Talk]
| [[Mike Somekh]]
| Replacing the SLM with software in surface wave imaging

Latest revision as of 09:47, 13 December 2018

OPG Seminars 2018

1st Term
Date Time Location Seminar Presenter Title
Fri 23 Mar 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Showcase selection All PhD students 1st year PhDs - 1 minute slide presentations

2nd year PhDs - Poster competition

Final year PhDs - 3 minute thesis pitch

2nd Term
Date Time Location Seminar Presenter Title
Thurs 3 May 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Guest talk V. V. Raghavendra Sai Fiber optic chemical and biosensors: sensor design and device development
Wed 16 May 2018 12:00 203 Tower building Guest talk Qiang Wu Optical fibre interferometers and its sensing applications - from macro to micro world sensing
Thurs 14 June 2018 12:00 203 Tower building Talk Pieter Smid Aberration retrieval and correction in confocal microscopy
Tues 3 July 2018 12:00 203 Tower building Talk Rafael Fuentes Super-resolution imaging using nanobells
3rd Term
Date Time Location Seminar Presenter Title
Mon-Fri 9-13 July 2018 09:00-17:00 ESLC building Official website Conference call The 6th International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics (LU2018)
4th Term
Date Time Location Seminar Presenter Title
Wed 10 Oct 2018 14:00 C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus ZYGO-MMT Seminar Peter de Groot Quiet, please! The meaning and measure of noise in 3D topography data Register
Wed 17 Oct 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Talk Shakila Naznin Gold nanorod opto-acoustic transducers
Wed 24 Oct 2018 14:00 C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus ZYGO-MMT Seminar Peter de Groot Holography: Just a fancy name for interferometry? Register
Fri 26 Oct 2018 13:00 C17 Pope building Guest talk Celia Millon Laser ultrasonic generated Rayleigh waves for controlling AM porous samples
Wed 7 Nov 2018 14:00 C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus ZYGO-MMT Seminar Peter de Groot Where’s my part? Interferometric methods for measuring position, displacement and angle Register
Wed 14 Nov 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Guest talk Alistair Speidel Electrochemical jet processing for materials characterisation
Wed 21 Nov 2018 14:00 C11 Advanced manufacturing building, Jubilee campus ZYGO-MMT Seminar Peter de Groot Does interferometry work? A critical look at the foundations of interferometric surface topography measurement Register
Wed 28 Nov 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Talk Fernando Perez Cota Gigahertz acoustics for biology: cell imaging and sensing
Wed 05 Dec 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Talk Sidahmed Abayzeed Voltage plasmonics: new tools for microscopic imaging of electricity
Wed 12 Dec 2018 13:00 203 Tower building Talk Mike Somekh Replacing the SLM with software in surface wave imaging